
(click on underlined titles for links to published papers, reports, and resources)

Current Research (2017 – ): 

  1. Enhancing science culture in agricultural research institutions
  2. Big data analytics for climate smart agriculture
  3. Advancing high resolution drought monitoring,  prediction, and management capabilities in India
  4. Machine learning approaches to high resolution drought monitoring and prediction
  5. Machine learning approaches to high resolution monitoring of surface water bodies
  6. Open source GIS integrated data and modelling platform for groundwater security
  7. High resolution remote sensing and big data technologies for implementing  Pradhan Mantri Phasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY ) at  Gram Panchayat (GP or village cluster)
  8. Technology landmarks in agricultural research   in India – A historical synthesis of  key technologies developed by ICAR and their scaling nationwide

Research Projects Completed

Learning and capacity building – Sub project of ICAR’s World Bank supported National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) (Partners: NAARM (Lead institution); IIM Lucknow, MANAGE Hyderabad, NIRD&PR, Hyderabad). Project focus is on design of learning strategies, resources and capacity building programmes to develop a pool of new leadership and professionals with enhanced knowledge, skills and abilities critical to sustain global competitive advantage of India’s National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in a market driven environment.

Agricultural hydrology and water management: Analytical models of  groundwater recharge systems; soil water balance models; Simulation and  optimization  models for irrigation systems management; GIS- surface water-groundwater integrated  models for ground water resource assessments, conjunctive use of canal water and groundwater,  and  non-point source (fertilizer) pollution of groundwater.

Climate change, sustainable agriculture and food and water security: Indicators and Indices of sustainability, vulnerability and adaptive capacity; climate change impacts on food and water security; Spatial targeting of research priorities

Information technology in agricultural development: ICT Frameworks for closed and open agricultural supply chains; adapting to Digital Agriculture; Policy implications.

Geospatial Information and Knowledge Systems: Design of GIS based decision support systems and knowledge systems for: agricultural development; Climate Information systems; Agribusiness supply chains and retail; policy implications.

Intellectual property policies and Technology Management: IP and Technology Management policy and institutional frameworks for public agricultural research systems; Design of Post Graduate Programme in Technology management in agriculture.

Nanotechnology in agriculture: Framework comprising patent and bibliographic databases and analytical tools for assessing potential and impacts of integrating  nanotechnology in  agri-food systems research: agricultural value chains, food security,  agribiotechnology, climate change mitigation, water quality, etc;  and research and technology management policies of public agricultural research systems.

Agribusiness management: Agribusiness education status, standards and curricula; eCommerce in agribusiness; agribusiness scenario assessment; GIS applications in agribusiness supply chains and retail.

Agricultural research planning, organizational  leadership, strategy and change management:  Making the transition to institutional leadership; Priority setting, monitoring and evaluation; Agricultural research policy and strategy; Public research Governance; Writing effective research proposals and scientific papers; enhancing research culture.